
ShubHome needed a website to showcase their real estate services and properties. They required a professional, user-friendly website that would attract potential buyers and provide detailed information about their offerings.

About ShubHome

ShubHome specializes in offering a variety of real estate services, including property listings, buying, selling, and renting properties. They focus on providing comprehensive information and excellent customer service to help clients find their ideal homes.

Services Provided

  1. Website Design:
    •  Developed a modern and intuitive design that aligns with ShubHome’s brand identity.
    •  Ensured the website was responsive, providing a seamless experience across all devices.
  1. Property Listings:
    • Created detailed property pages with high-quality images, descriptions, and specifications.
    • Included features for advanced search and filtering to help users find properties that match their criteria.
  1. Content Management System (CMS):
    • Integrated a robust CMS to allow ShubHome to easily update and manage their property listings and other content.
    • Provided training sessions to ensure their team could efficiently use the CMS.
  1. SEO Optimization:
    • Implemented SEO strategies to improve search engine visibility.
    • Optimized all content for relevant keywords to attract organic traffic.
  1. Security Features:
    • Added comprehensive security measures to protect the website from potential threats.
    • Enabled SSL encryption for secure data transmission.

Technical Aspects:

  • Languages and Tools Used:  
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress.
  • Hosting and Domain:
    • Assisted with selecting a reliable hosting service and managing domain registration.
  • Testing and Debugging:
    • Conducted extensive testing to ensure the website was free of bugs and performed well across various browsers and devices.


  • Day 1-2:
    • Requirement gathering and initial design concepts.
  • Day 3-5:
    • Development of website structure and basic layout.
  • Day 6-8:
    • Integration of property listings and dynamic features.
  • Day 9-10:
    • Addition of content, SEO optimization, and security features.
  • Day 11:
    • Rigorous testing and debugging.
  • Day 12:
    • Final review and client feedback; launch of the website.


The project was completed within the 12-day timeline. ShubHome was very satisfied with their new website, which effectively showcased their real estate services and property listings. The new platform not only highlighted their offerings but also provided an engaging and user-friendly experience for visitors.

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